Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) Continue to follow on with their grant aiding known as the Better Energy Homes Scheme. This Scheme provides grant aid to private home to upgrade their homes with heating & insulation measures.
Who can avail of the scheme?
It is a National scheme and therefore all homeowners of dwellings built before 2006 may apply. Landlords and owners of multiple properties may also apply, however they must submit a separate application form for each property. If you are a landlord or a management company considering an entire building upgrade, please contact SEI before applying online for the grant.
What type of work can I get a grant for?
Grants will be provided to home owners who invest in energy efficiency improvements in the following area:
• Roof Insulation
• Wall Insulation – this includes either cavity wall, internal dry lining or external insulation
• Installation of a High Efficiency (> 90%) Gas or Oil fired Boilers with Heating Controls Upgrade*
• Heating Controls Upgrade
• Building Energy Rating (BER) – you can get a grant for a BER if one is done before and after the works are completed.
*Minimum requirement of: 2 zones (space and water) with 7 day programmer (time and temperature) control and boiler interlock, time and temperature control of electric immersion heater and either 1 more zone control or 3 TRV’s.
How much are the grants?
Grants are fixed for each type of measure as indicated in the table below. Grant approval must be in place before any purchase of materials or commencement of measures undertaken. Grants are paid after the measures are completed and the contractor has been paid by the home owner. In the instance where the cost of the work (vat inclusive) is less than the fixed grant amount, the actual cost will be reimbursed.

* Please note that while you are entitled to apply for each Measure there is a minimum requirement that the grant amount in the first application must be €400 or greater. The BER grant cannot form part of this €400 amount
Is a BER Assessment mandatory?
No, a BER assessment is not mandatory. However, there is a grant of €200 for those who choose to have a BER assessment completed Before and After Home Energy Saving works are completed. A BER is only required where the property is for letting or sale. The BER lasts for Ten years from the date of issue.
How do I apply?
It’s quite simple, Just contact Warm Walls Insulation & they will guide you through the application or follow this SEAI link which will bring you to the SEAI web site where you can get more information or apply on line.
As an Enprova approved installer Warm Walls Insulation are able to apply for the grant on your behalf, which we can do from an ipad at your home. for more details about Enprova just press the red ENPROVA link here.
When can I get the work done?
In accordance with the scheme’s Terms and Conditions, Grant Approval must be in place prior to any purchase of materials or commencement of works is undertaken.
However, the Before BER can be done ahead of Grant Approval and could prove beneficial for home owners who are uncertain about their options or what to get done first
Do I require planning permission for External wall insulation?
External insulation works to your home under the Home Energy Saving scheme may be exempted from the planning regulations. However, it should be noted that external insulation of a structure would constitute exempted development under Section 4(1) (h) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 only if it “constituted works which do not materially affect the external appearance of the structure so as to render the appearance inconsistent with the character of the structure or of neighbouring structures”.
If there is any doubt about whether or not the particular external insulation proposed for your home will affect the character of the structure as an SEI grant applicant you are advised to contact the planning authority in your area to clarify the matter.
Please note also that, in the case of protected structures, proposed protected structures, and buildings within Architectural Conservation Areas, the usual exemptions from the requirements of planning permission may not apply and the advice of the planning authority should always be obtained by you before carrying out any works.
Can I insulate some of my exposed walls and still receive the Better Energy homes Grant?
To be eligible for the Better Energy Homes Grant the optimum solution, which is both physically and economically practicable must be implemented, for example when dealing with walls, that this comprises internal insulation of all exposed walls; external insulation of all exposed walls; and in the case of roof insulation that this comprises insulation of the whole surface of the ceiling/ roof-space as appropriate.
Partial works are only accepted in exceptional circumstances, for example where it is not physically possible to provide complete roof insulation coverage due to small inaccessible areas of the roof; the idea of dry-lining all exposed walls in a particular dwelling may become economically viable where it would require the replacement of kitchen units. There may also be instances where the physical limitations are to such an extent as to make insulation unviable. Any exceptional circumstances must be detailed by the contractor in the Declaration of Works.
I can only afford to dry-line 2 of my exposed walls. Am I eligible for a HES grant?
You would not be eligible for a grant under the HES scheme as dry-lining only 2 walls would not provide the optimum insulation solution for your home. The ability of a household to afford the particular solution cannot conflict with the objective of securing a viable solution for the home
Some of my external walls are already insulated. Can I apply for a grant to insulate the remaining walls?
Yes. If at the end of the insulation work on your home all the exposed walls are insulated you are eligible for a grant under the HES scheme
The above information was accurate at time of publishing, however home owners are advised to check with the SEI or a Warm Walls Insulation.
How long will the grants be available?
It very hard to put an exact date on when the grants will be withdrawn from the Government. However when it was first introduced in 2009 it was intended that the grants would be phased out by the end of 2013.
For more information in relation to any of the above please feel free to contact Warm walls Insulation.
Grants from the Better energy Homes Scheme